UT Policy A-OK. Chronicle Editorial Board. HoustonChronicle.com ($$$)
(Maybe they moved the editorial content behind the paywall because the other staffers were getting embarrassed by it?)
The University of Texas at Austin is Burnt Orange and White, but it could use more colors. In this year's class, 19.5 percent of the student body is Hispanic and 3.9 percent is black in a state that is already majority-minority. That needs to change. Higher education is the path to success, and success can't be limited to a few.
Oh really?
Below is the current roster of members of the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board. The people responsible for crafting the stance on racial issues for Houston's former newspaper of record:
Nick Anderson - Caucasian - Male
Paul Barbetta - Caucasian - Male
Jeff Cohen - Caucasian - Male
Veronica Flores-Paniagua - Latino - Female
Joe Holley - Caucasian - Male
Evan Mintz - Caucasian - Male
James Newkirk - African American - Male
Jack Sweeney - Caucasian - Male
Andrea White - Caucasian - Female
Paraphrasing for a minute:
The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board is Gold Star and White, but it could use more colors. In this current version, 11 percent of the board is Hispanic and 11 percent is black in a state that is already majority-minority. That needs to change. Free and open journalism is the path to a healthy country, and the public discourse can't be limited to a few.