Monday, November 30, 2015

The dumbing down of America: The Smartest Among Us.

We've seen this script before....

Tragedy Strikes

Idiots rush forth to politicize it.

Partisans charge forward, facts be damned

And then someone, anonymously, in the comments, says something they think is clever which will rile up the masses.

"Christian Terrorist"

It was a two-word comment by a chron.commenter designed to enrage folks. I'm sure the author, hidden safely behind their anonymous identity, felt that they were adding something unique and witty to the debate, that they were being wise beyond the capabilities of their fellow men when, in fact, they had no idea that they were playing the role of the court jester.

The sad reality is that we've come to expect this now. The world of politics has been so skewed by several forces that we've entered an era where every.single.event is a political statement. That sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner is genocide, that shopping on Black Friday is an act of aggression, that not wanting your tax money to go to an organization that acts in ways you feel are morally abhorrent is somehow enacting a "war on women" when, in reality, it is nothing more than a 'war on the profits' of Planned Parenthood.

Meanwhile, Zero fiddles while Rome burns. The most "educated" President ever is proving to have very little in the way of wisdom.

Wisdom, the lack of which is causing us to regress, for the phrase "It's been a good run America" to not just be something bantered about casually as a joke but words that actually might mean something as our political class does it's level best to not only divide, but to give away America's competitive advantage in the world.

Make no mistake however, neither the anonymous Chron.commmenter or President Zero are choosing their words in the hopes that things will change or that they'll bring some good into the situation.  The commenter is just trying to poke God with a stick while Obama is attempting to build his legacy at the feet of his country's greatness. It's less leadership than it is Narcissism packaged as some type of witty insight.

To put it into historical context. While King Solomon was wise enough to understand the threat of splitting the baby in two would draw out the real mother, President Zero would want to put the baby into Federal care while the chron.commenter wouldn't care enough to make a decision one way or another.

The problem is that the baby in question still needs tending to.

So we can scream and moan and wax philosophical over Christian Terrorists all we want, we can wail and gnash out teeth that bad people get guns, and we can point fingers at the other side in a desperate attempt to make ourselves feel better until we're blue in the face but none of that is going to change one simple, underlying fact:

Each and every one of these mass shooters had severe mental issues that were either undiagnosed, ignored, or treated wrongly. While America needs a serious plan to deal with mental illness we're being deluged under a wave of "trigger warnings" and "micro-aggressions" that are obscuring the real issue.

Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be an adult in the room right now who is equipped to deal with this issue.  President Zero doesn't care, he's out playing golf.  She Who is Entitled doesn't care, there's nothing in it for either her or her business associates. Sanders doesn't care, because there's no imaginary bogeyman for him to demonize.  And the Republicans don't care because it's becoming increasingly evident that they don't really want to deal with issues of mass shootings at all.

In fact, the candidate who is coming closest to getting it is Ted Cruz who is one of the better candidates on the gun issue period. He's also right to push back against the Left when they start to talk about "inflammatory rhetoric" and how it should be banned. It should discourage everyone that a major political movement in America has, as it's default, an inclination to strip law-abiding American's of protections every time a tragedy occurs.

We live in an age where the Progressive movement is hyping a type of Social Fascism while the Conservative movement is promoting Social Puritanism. So far, the Nation does not seem to have fully embraced either idea.  What is happening however is that we are getting a patchwork implementation of both ideologies which might lead to something far worse:  Social Serfdom.