Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tales of a sub-par media outlet: I wonder why?

In today's online version of the Houston Chronicle, the part not hidden behind the increasingly expensive paywall, the New Mrs. White moaned and groaned about why more voters are not coming to the polls and electing the candidates she would like to see be elected.

What will it take? The New Mrs. White,

Although San Antonio's municipal elections are officially nonpartisan, all four candidates in the race were Democrats at various points on the conservative-to-liberal spectrum. Taylor, a Yale-educated urban planning professor, was arguably the most conservative of the four.

Despite a decent quartet of candidates from which to choose, only 12 percent of registered voters in a city of 1.3 million chose to exercise their vote in the general election, 14 percent in the runoff. That pathetic percentage means that roughly 9 out of 10 registered voters found something better to do than participate in self-government for their city.

Of course, SOMETHING! must be done. And although Mrs. White doesn't seem to know what that something is, she's sure that it must be done and that if only more people could be drawn out to vote we could fix the environment where the (marginally) more conservative candidates continue to win elections.

Amusingly, below is a screen-shot of both the header of the editorial, AND the on-line advertisements related to this for which the Chron receives revenue.


Posted without further comment.