Thursday, June 04, 2015

Houston Area Leadership Vacuum: An Unoriginal and Uninspiring Start to the Mayoral Race.


Mayoral Candidates Hold First Forum. Rebecca Elliott, ($$$)

(It's about to cost you $3.50/month to read stuff like this.)

While I'm sure there are some of a progressive persuasion who would deem arts funding "meat and vegetables" discussions while categorizing infrastructure and pension issues as "junk food", the reality is most, if not all, of the answers provided in the Mayoral Candidates Arts Forum were nothing more than political dodges designed to allow the candidates a way out should conditions change.

The worrisome bit is that this is all Houston has for choice when it comes to who will be the next Mayor.

If this forum tells us anything it's that the current field is remarkably weak and that Houston's Leadership Vacuum is going to continue to exist.