Thursday, June 25, 2015

American Leadership Vacuum: The Problem with our Way of Thinking. (Updated)

Update:  Kevin Whited, of BlogHouston, had a link to this piece by Mark Lisheron, formerly of Texas Watchdog, which sums up pretty much what I think is now wrong in this country. It's a well written piece that is far more deserving of your reading time than what I posted below.

When the SCOTUS rules that subsidies for the ACA in states where no exchanges are set up are consistent with the intent of the law one side erupts in rage while the other cheers a little too loud and suddenly is emboldened to request something that a vast majority, in Texas, do not want.

When a group of rogue jihadists attacks a heretofore unknown (in America) satirical publication, killing 12 and stunning the World we're warned to not generalize against the entire religion (rightfully) but to realize that, in all cases, extremists can happen.

Conversely, when a lone gunman with ties to fringe white supremacist groups enters a church, kills nine in cold blood, we are subject to screams for taking the rights away from law-abiding citizens to fix the problem and the General Lee is suddenly taboo and large swaths of the Country have serious discussions about attempting to erase some uglier parts of American History in order to make them feel better about things.

The above is not meant to be taken as support for either the Charlie Hedbo terrorists, pro-ACA, Anti ACA positions or the Charleston terrorist or, for that matter, public display of the Confederate Battle Flag.

In fact, I think the two killings were heinous, I think the CSA Battle Flag being displayed on public lands is ridiculous and I think the ACA could be easily fixed if it's authors had 1. added a high-deductible option to the authorized plans and 2. removed some of the more political provisions (the day after pill etc.) in an attempt to pander for votes and instead left those issues up to the individual insurance company and policy buyers.

But this is not the way our leaders in America think. As such, it's not the way we're programmed to think either. We've transformed into a Nation that is, perhaps by design, incapable of having mature discussions on a variety of thorny issues. We no longer posses (in a general sense) the ability to either win gracefully or lose with dignity.

While it's easy (and correct) to look at our political leaders and news media and assign them the lion's share of the blame, it would be an omission to not take a look in the mirror as well and realize that, in the words of Pogo Possum "I have seen the enemy, and he is us."

Despite low Congressional approval ratings it is the American public who continue to vote in their representatives, while hoping that other people vote out theirs. Instead of coming to the realization that we are not participating in the experiment that is the American Republic, we choose to allow entrenched politicians and the mainstream press to convince us that so-called "Dark money" is to blame. Nevermind that the money is neither all that "dark" nor possessing of any power to sway our votes that we do not give it.

America is currently on the cusp of another Presidential election. Not surprisingly, the choices that we've been offered by both parties are historically weak.

On the Democratic side of the ticket voters will choose between a woman who is possibly the most elitist, self-serving political candidate in recent history or a man who's made his political career denying both his true party affiliation (Democrat) and the fact that he's not the dyed-in-the-wool Socialist he pretends to be. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist, he's a faux populist Statist fancied up with a fake independent label.

On the Republican side we're being presented with another Bush, the family who has never been conservative and never will be, Lindsey freaking Graham (a lifetime politician who has never met a government overreach he didn't like) and possibly Marco Rubio (who has promise, if he can ever determine what in the heck he really stands for.)

Sure, there are other candidates out there who are beating around the fringes, and maybe one of them (Ted Cruz perhaps?) jumps forward but (as is the case with Rubio) they're sure to face an onslaught of criticism from a media who stands to gain the most from a government growing out of control. (Controversial news brings page hits, and page hits bring advertising dollars).  Add to this the fact that the political media and politicians are symbiotic beings, and you have a perfect storm of suck that's infected our news media, politics and most of the other ruling institutions.

I've stated before that I firmly believe America is currently damaged beyond repair. Even IF another Reagan-like figure appeared I doubt there's enough self-reliance remaining in the American citizenry to stop shouting "give me more!" for a minute to realize that you have to earn more to get more. Entitlements and stuffing temporary political victories into the faces of our opponents have become more important than ever. Working, improving your lot and temporarily doing without? 

Well, we'll leave that for other people to do. If they could vote, pay taxes, give up things that are dear to them, change their lifestyles and eat differently so we don't have to that would be even better.

Welcome to the new America.  Land of the ME and home of the Blame.

Long may whatever flag is non-offensive to those courted by the political class wave.