Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Texans fire strength coach, Head trainer

This is a mistake...

[John McClain, Chron.com]
The Texans continued to make changes in their staff today when strength and rehabilitation coach Dan Riley and head trainer Kevin Bastin were told their contracts were not being renewed.

Riley and Bastin had been with the Texans since their first season of 2002. A search is on the way for their replacements.

Funny, I always considered this to be one of the Texans strong suits. The team rarely seemed to fatique in the fourth quarter, and their triage unit seemed fairly effective during games. By all accounts, the Texans Strength & Conditioning Staff wasn't involved in the Pittman debacle and were one of the few S&C programs in the league to stricly limit the type and amount of supplementation the players could ingest.

Cost cutting? Perhaps. A mistake? On the S&C side, certainly. Dan Riley is one of the best.