Friday, September 12, 2014

ChronBlog: Why would you pay for this again?

Lise Olsen is back for the Chron, with yet another anti-industry piece, this time related to traffic crashes.  At least we think....

Crowded roads and fatigues workers contribute to triple-fatality accidents. Lise Olsen, HoustonChronicle ($)

The reason we 'think' this is what Olsen is on about is because below is a screen-shot of the entire article as originally published:

That's right, on paragraph.

Normally Olsen's stories are long, rambling things that twist and turn down different alleys and back-roads before coming to a terminus that, on most occasions, does not contain the smoking gun she implies.  Or, the smoking gun is a pop-gun and the story is as insignificant as to make no difference.

Alas, on this story, we don't know because we get teased with some flowery prose and then.....either someone at the IT department was in a hurry or the entire thing is so bad we've been spared the pain of reading it.

A more serious question is this:  Given the dearth of quality content on the free site (Slide Shows! Side Boob!) why in the world would people WANT to pay for a "premium" content whose main quality is that it proves no-one at the Houston Chronicle understands how this Interwebs thingy actually works?

I've had conversations of late with friends online suggesting that the level of suck for the new Mrs. White apparently knows no floor.  We assume there is one somewhere, but it's so far down below the competency level that it's yet to be found.  Is it any wonder more and more major political candidates have decided to not waste their time speaking to these panels of social awkward, barely functional people?

I think it's also time to have some serious conversations about the quality floor that is still trying to find.  From font issues to Lorem Ipsum to cutting off articles and washing things down the memory hole I'd be surprised if the number unique readers on this web-site, in a Metro region with a population North of 6 Million people, had a digit count higher than 5.

Even worse, there's very little news gathering going on at the Chron these days and now accusations of unethical behavior by junior reporters*.  All of this raises the question:  What in the hell are they asking us to pay for?  It's sure not a quality viewing experience, good journalism or compelling content. Could it be Gray Matters? 

Oh my goodness.

*I'm unsure how serious of a charge the complaint brings up, but it's interesting nevertheless.