Thursday, November 16, 2017

BadMedia: The Houston Chronicle has lost it's way.

When all else fails, the media is supposed to be on YOUR side.   The private citizen, the little guy, the work-a-day person who schleps this pebble just hoping to make ends meet and pay all the months bills and possibly save just a bit to sock away for retirement or take the family on a nice vacation.

Newspapers, and all media, are supposed to watchdog the government and industry and make sure that they're not taking advantage of you, that the system is not being rigged, that the government is operating in an efficient manner, and being good stewards of your tax money, and that the government is following the regulations and laws that bind together our society.

The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board has abdicated this role and should be shuttered as a result.

Revenue Cap. Houston Chronicle Editorial Board

The Chron's arguments against the cap are flimsy, at it recommends granting the city the same loose fiscal chain that got them into this mess in the first place. A mess that the same Chron Editorial Board argued FOR back when these plans were first proposed under former Mayor Lee P. Brown. In fact, it's become more common place for the Editorial Board to dismiss the rights of citizens in the face of State powers than to advocate for the very watchdog roles that the media is supposed to fill. The Chronicle is very good at glowing profiles of government officials, not so great at exposing government waste until after the fact. Typically their reporting of the same is piling on after some other outlet uncovers the issue first.

I believe that much of the reason for this stems from the Editorial Board, who set the tone for the entire paper.  It is past time for them to be shuttered, the resources then deployed throughout the newsroom under an editor whose desire is to return Houston's Middling Regional Daily to it's traditional role.

This won't happen, of course, but one can dream.  In the meantime those who understand the problems that will plague Houston if the rev cap is lifted had probably better start organizing.  Because Mayor Turner and Co. clearly have a 100,000 watt blowtorch in the form of the Chronicle that is ready and willing to produce unquestioning reporting and opinion in favor of lifting the cap.

That is going to be very, very difficult to overcome. In fact, it is probably impossible to overcome in a city that has clearly lost its way.