Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017: To start: Let's get honest about Climate Change.

Welcome to 2017.  A new year full of hope, hangovers and, if you believe the media and the climate-group financed scientific community, impending DOOOOOOOOOOM.

The climate IS changing.  Of that there can be no debate. Things right now are getting warmer and warmer after a period of getting cooler.  You hear about things not happening since "before the last ice age" which makes sense if you take a long view and consider the fact that we've pretty much been on a warming trend since then.

What's debatable is what's CAUSING the change, not that it's happening.  There are some, funded by the climate change cartel mostly, who are telling us that the world is super-heating because of your love for steak and cars.  Also rice, which is a new one on me.  The problem with these climate-disaster types is two-fold.

1. The only "solution" to their "problem" is a mass-culling of the population.  That's it. They won't say it anymore out loud but it's what they're thinking.  Not them, of course, or any of the people they know or are related to.  It'd be better for them if the faceless poor were taken out back behind the coal mines and disposed of discreetly. They consider themselves a modern-day version of Pontius Pilate. They wash their hands of your idiocy.

2. The gloom and doom is happening, but the world is not drowning. According to many, we've already hit the disaster points in Al Gore's prediction cycle. We've reached a temperature increase of 1.5 C and we're at 400ppm for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  By all accounts, the low-lying islands should be under water by now, the people should be breathing only through the help of gills and the entire polar ice cap should be no more.

They will ignore these things like they have ignored the "pause" that occurred in the temperature rise, like they ignored the fallacy of the "hockey stick". They will disparage the messengers and will continue to tell you that it will all be A-OK if only we shuttle another Billion dollars to Al Gore's carbon-free investment groups. If we just send a little bit more money to the wizened investors who understand the problem in a manner better than us they will take it and ensure (they promise) to stand athwart the planet and holler "STOP!" at a volume sufficient to cause any thoughts of global warming to cease and desist.

But they also need some things from you.  First, if you could stop flying around the globe.  As a matter of fact, if you could stop flying all together that would be even better.  Flying, you see, was never intended to be a transportation tool for anyone outside of the Elite.  Leonardo DiCaprio can fly while going from swanky party to swanky party around the globe lecturing us about the dangers of climate change. You cannot fly to DeMoines for your grandmother's funeral.  That's just how it works.  Send her a card (printed on recycled paper of course) or something.  They'll understand, they're saving Gaia.

You should also stop driving a car, and take a bus, train or other (better yet) walk or bike everywhere you need to go.  Say you want to move more than 10 miles from your home?  Forget it.  It would be better for everyone involved if you would just stay put. (If you would give up your armaments and stay put that would be better for everyone involved as well. Unarmed sheep are docile sheep.)

Unfortunately you're going to have to give up some food stuffs as well.  Meat being the most obvious, since a cow's ass has now become climate villain number 3 (behind you, and capitalism of course) you might also have to give up eating anything that you cannot cultivate in your own back-yard.  Technology has provided us with the ability to have a first-world food supply, but the USDA and climate change hysterics are wanting to reduce us to dark-ages subsistence farming. Think North Korea without Kim Jong Un.

And if you're thinking about keeping your house cool in the upcoming blast-furnace Summers, or using the modern convenience of "refrigeration" to preserve your food?  Well, you can just about forget about that as well because they've now decided that Hydrofluorocarbons are suddenly on the "bad actors" list and you can't have those either.  Ice? forget it.  A/C that provides relief from heat stroke and the elderly potentially dying in the Summer?  Sorry.  Refrigeration that prevents the spread of food-borne illness and leads to overall health?  Better dig that outhouse hole a little deeper because you're going to have to deal with that as well.

I have a novel idea however.

Since all of the stuff that we've been doing, so far, has not stopped the advance of climate change, nor has it really slowed it, maybe 2017 is the year we bundle up all of these so-called "climate change realists" and show them the door?  Perhaps it's time to stop wondering how we can "stop" climate change and start asking how better to adapt to it?

Because what we're doing now is playing a game of political whack-a-mole trying to suppress everything that might be super-heating this marble without a full understanding of the entire process itself.  In a sane scientific world, instead of the psuedo-scientific, computer model driven one in which we currently exist, failures to halt the advance of climate change would be met with a new hypothesis.  What we're doing today however is choosing to reject the evidence of reality and are being assured that the "models are correct".

And that's the dirty secret behind the entire Anthropogenic Climate Change movement.  They really don't know what's causing it but they've programmed their computer models as if they do.  The guiding light of their philosophy being that humanity is the cause.  This despite increasing evidence this is not so.

If we truly believe in the power of humanity (based, amazingly, on history) to overcome our circumstance and persevere then we need to stop listening to modern-day versions of King Canute and start listening to modern-day versions of Noah. 

Because Noah, knowing that he could not stop the coming flood, figured out a better way to deal with it.

As should we.