Monday, May 16, 2016

Tales of a Sub-Par Media Outlet: Down the Memory Hole. (District D version)

In a recent editorial the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board had some negative things to say about Houston City Councilmember (District D) Dwight Boykins:

Towing Wreck. ($$$)
Despite all the back-and-forth over background checks for Uber drivers, nobody seemed to care about Gonzalez's criminal background when the city gave him a towing contract. Boykins and the rest of council let him into a city program with plaudits, and now more than 50 Houstonians say they've been exploited by a criminal enterprise.
So before you ask who's driving you, or who's towing you, make sure to ask the more important question: Who's representing you?

That might be a good question to ask the Editorial Board themselves who, during the last election and the election before, endorsed Mr. Boykins offering up no concerns regarding any ethics lapses that might concern the public or cause them to ask "Who's representing you?"

So it's a little disingenuous for the now haughty gang of idiots that make up the Editorial Board to be lecturing voters when they themselves didn't do their job.

Of course, they don't mention that in the editorial here because you're not supposed to worry about those things.  What you're supposed to worry about is that, for one reason or another, Dwight Boykins is now off the patronage reservation and is finding himself (rightfully) in the cross-hairs.

Kind of makes you wonder what else the Chronicle is missing when reporting on local issues? It also makes you wonder why the Chronicle continues to spend large amounts of money that could be redirected to actual local reporting keeping a group of ciphers on the payroll?

That's one of the perks of editorial writing in today's (lightly read) age I guess.  You never have to apologize for getting it wrong. Imagine a tree, falling in a forest with no one around.