Monday, June 14, 2010

Much ado about nothing....

Next time, Y'all work it out amongst yourselves and spare all of us the drama OK?

So, the only thing (for now) that's changing is that Nebraska and Colorado are gone, and UT is getting their own teevee network.

I've got a good idea for the first program. Starring Vince Young.

Word is Texas State Representative Garnet Coleman has "written an e-mail" advocating for the inclusion of UH and TCU. Won't happen. BYU and Air Force would be MUCH more appealing than a team that draws 20K and has forwarded a dodgy stadium plan that relies a LOT on naming rights to pay for it. TCU would probably be interested, but I'm not so sure a weakened Big X(-II) is all that much better than a strengthened Mountain West. I mean, Texas is, but everyone else?

So, for now:

The Big Tenelven becomes the Big Twelve (with a championship game one supposes) and the Big XII becomes the Big Ten (sans championship game, and all of the revenues that generates) while the PAC-10 morphs into the PAC-11 and ALSO doesn't have a championship game.

The SEC is still a better football conference than any of them.