Friday, August 21, 2015

Texas Leadership Vacuum: An Opportunity for Garnet Coleman

Shortly after the entire story of the sorry affair surrounding the untimely demise of one Sarah Bland hit the airwaves, one of Houston's own State Representatives ended up with egg on his face when dashcam video of his traffic stop revealed not that he was treated "like a child" as he claimed but that Mr. Coleman was a) driving really fast b) has done that before (and gotten a warning), c) tends to pull the "do you know who I AM? card frequently (which means that he thinks he's better than everyone else an entitled to certain privileges that shouldn't be available to all) and d.) either makes things up for publicity's sake or has a severely maladjusted offense-o-meter.

A decent man would offer an apology to the officer who he besmirched and I'm not aware that Coleman has done anything of the sort. As a matter of fact, he's still protesting that he's correct. All of which suggests that his offense-o-meter is knocked out of whack, perhaps irreparably.

If this is future Coleman then we couldn't help wonder how else he might decide someone treated him wrong?

In the spirit of bipartisanship we're here to help.

Texas ranks among absolute worst states for women's equality. Nicole Raney, CultureMap

The study draws from 11 key metrics across three main categories: workplace environment, education and political empowerment. The data set mainly focuses on differences in the workplace, such as income and unemployment rate, but also includes the number of residents with bachelor's degrees and the percentage of females holding lawmaker positions.

Now, before you accuse us of asking Coleman to resign, this is simply not our goal.  What we are really hoping for here is a press conference where Coleman can expound on the details he was "treated like a woman" by another politician, a police officer, or some other public official.  If Coleman REALLY wants to double down he can blame all of this on the fact he was wearing his "I Stand with Wendy(?!?)" replica pink shoes that day.  It's a win/win for both Coleman (who gets some free pub) and the media Austin Bureau who is (admittedly) struggling to find things to write about.

Coleman has a long history of making blunt, oft-times outrageous, statements. And while we've progressed a long way from the days when his mental-illness was used against him politically the pendulum has swung a little too far in the other direction, to a place where he seems to be above criticism.

Which is too bad.

Because, unfortunately in society today, there is STILL a problem with "driving while black" in the minds of some officers and women, while they have made great strides, still have obstacles and hurdles to overcome.  Antics like those of Coleman  only serve to distract from the real issues, and they give opponents of any change ammunition in their fight.

That said, there is something to the idea of political comedy.  Joe Biden has almost mastered it, as has Sheila Jackson-Lee on a more local level. If Garnet Coleman can rise to the level of those two in the comedy department who knows how high he can go?

Of course, this leaves us with a problem. Namely that many of the same people who will take this blog post literally and seriously are the same that take politi-comedians seriously as well.  And those people vote, which is why we need better.